Hubbard Farms is a vibrant, multicultural historic neighborhood in Southwest Detroit, within the Mexicantown cultural overlay district.
It is notable not only for its historic architecture, but for the unusual variety of housing types and scale within its borders. From grandiose single family homes to 60-unit apartment buildings, Hubbard Farms is home to structural diversity.
The neighborhood is also noteworthy for its tree-lined streets, wide boulevard, and community-led city park (Clark Park) within its borders. Located along the boundary of W Vernor Highway, the main commercial corridor through Mexicantown, residents enjoy walkable access to all of one’s daily needs and entertainment, from insurance to shoes, a tiki bar to a great butcher counter. Hubbard Farms has three schools within the neighborhood, serving pre-K – 12 students, several churches, a senior living center and a community garden.
Just a couple of miles from downtown, Hubbard Farms is within walking distance to the Ford Train Station, Roosevelt Park, Riverside Park at the Ambassador Bridge, and Corktown. Soon it will also be an integral leg in Detroit’s growing Joe Louis Greenway.
The boundaries of the historic district are Clark St (west side), W Vernor Hwy (north side), W Grand Blvd (east side) and W Lafayette St (south side).