Sep 08 7:00 pm
Monte, Deb, Amy, Anthony, Elizabeth Luther, Adriana Zuniga
- Bob A dropped off notes from 8/11 meeting
- Send bios to Christine ASAP (contact info, short bio, etc) for the flyer. Will the sheet also have some details about our philosophy.
- Discussion of parking issues (lots of questions — will keep an eye out for public meetings from raquel)
- Board process . . . will the meetings be public? Sure–to residents. But are there board meetings and public meetings (like: membership meetings) too? It needs to be clear.
- Re: picnic, megan and christine have it all planned. but we need someone to emcee who’s not on the board. Eliz will contact Bob about music. Re: emcee-ing, deb has a script, thinking it’s important to talk a bit about the org’s history. Can ask: Kim Hunter or Thomas Bell . . .
- Re: participation, how do businesses fit into the membership model? Something for the board to decide in the future.
- Update on lisc activities. 12:30 Hubbard farms specifically – walk around the n’hood . . . next meeting.
- Issues w/ Swsolns: need for more $$ for rehab financing. Some concern about the 0% home loan (may still send a reminder out to the listserv).
- two new homes going to land bank auction on wgb . . . also someone working on purchasing stucco home at corner of hubbard/lafayette.