April 20, 2021

Minutes of the Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association meeting on April 20, 2021

Members Present: Anthony Benavides, Amy Amador, Donovan McCarty

Members Absent: Peter Landon, Robert Rodriguez, Adriana Zuniga, Deb Sumner, Matthew Fogarty, Monte Martinez, Hannah Miller, Martha Potere

Residents Present: Peter Blackmer, Zach, Alicia Ramirez, Audrey McPartlin

Others Present: Caitlin Stadler, Office of Stephanie Chang

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Eviction
    1. You need an eviction notice or some notice from the landlord showing that money is owing
    2. Tabled item for a time when more people present interested in topic
  3. Trucking issue
    1. Need route from 4th precinct
    2. Peter offered to reach out to RCL’s office to request truck route
    3. Clark St is seeing an increase in trucks going northbound due to the service drive being closed west of Clark
    4. WGB continuing to have trucks
  4. Community Engagement
    1. Events
      1. April 24th Clean Up starting at recreation center
      2. Vinewood concerts starting again
      3. Clark Park garden moving to near Maybury Elementary
    2. Elections – Board
      1. Resolution to pass to hold elections in the fall
  5. Project Greenlight
    1. Shared thought on project greenlight
      1. Concerns about surveillance, flashing light,
      2. Recent study that haven’t been able to show green light is directly related to reducing crime
      3. East side is doing a green chair not green light
      4. Alternatives for businesses like hiring local residents
      5. Action – Bring agenda item back for May meeting
  6. Resident Issues
    1. Shout out to residents who come to the community garden; 10-15 people working in the garden last two weekends
    2. Keep Growing Detroit provides seeds and plants to residents


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