August 4th, 2014
HFNA Steering Committee
Overview of schedule:
- Next meeting — September 8th, 7pm (b/c of labor day)
- Next full n’hood meeting – September 18th
- Introductions
- Robert Rodriguez (Porter, btw Hubbard-Vinewood)
- Samira Guyot
- Elizabeth Luther (Hubbard by Yorba)
- Zackery FInn (Hubbard by Yorba)
- Denis Rochac (W. Grand)
- Megan Heeres
- Mitch A (Beverly Hills, property owner in HF)
- Amy Amador (W. Grand, Shady Lane-Bagley)
- Deb Sumner (Hubbard by Yorba)
- Kendal Kuneman (W. Grand, Shady Lane-Porter)
- Christina deRoos
- N’hood boundaries
- Old boundaries: Vernor, W. Lafayette, W. Grand, Other Clark → using the Census tract. Old HFNA was a 501(c)3. Established in the late ‘70s? Org took on too much and collapsed under its own weight.
- One option: using more natural boundaries (freeway, Toledo – or railroad tracks . . . ) → broader than the historic district or not. If we go all the way over to the freeway, then we’ve overlapping with Hubbard-Richard.
- Logic for this: lots of interest from both sides of W. Grand because both sides of W. Grand were organizing.
- The Hubbard-Richard CDC is already a legal body, so overlapping with those groups doesn’t make sense (Deb)
- Come up with a process for choosing boundaries (we’ve debated this before), or just choose boundaries? (Eliz)
- Stick with historic boundaries for now and just say we’ll be working in alliance w/ other groups in the area for now (Christina)
- Propose the Historic District boundaries at the 9/18 meeting . . .
- One option: using more natural boundaries (freeway, Toledo – or railroad tracks . . . ) → broader than the historic district or not. If we go all the way over to the freeway, then we’ve overlapping with Hubbard-Richard.
- Directory?
- Phone numbers?
- Who is in it?
- Old boundaries: Vernor, W. Lafayette, W. Grand, Other Clark → using the Census tract. Old HFNA was a 501(c)3. Established in the late ‘70s? Org took on too much and collapsed under its own weight.
- Process for setting up an interim board
- Community gathering 9/18 – election for the board
- Listserv
- Possibly housing committee update (SWSolns)
- Optional: Urban planning projects?
- Optional: Mini-grants?