Agenda: Southwest Solutions Follow Up Bob OBrien: Property Development Christina + Peter meet with SWSOL about set of criteria that we’ve been asking them to meet. 22: Petition that is…
Agenda SW Solutions Meeting 20 - 25 neighbors 6 SWSOL people - Dan Peterson led meeting Rep from Rashida’s office history of VISTA project neighbors were concerned that SWSOL hadn’t…
August 4th, 2014 HFNA Steering Committee Overview of schedule: Next meeting -- September 8th, 7pm (b/c of labor day) Next full n’hood meeting - September 18th Agenda: Introductions Robert Rodriguez…
June 16th, 2014 HFNA Steering Committee Blight report (Peter is interested) July 10th meeting (Clark Park): Prep for July 10th meeting, event will start at 6:30, agenda starts…
02.17.2014 Communications Committee: Samira, Amy, Deni, Monte, Nora, Megan Facebook – might be an alternative, there are lots of SW groups already on it should this be an alternative –…