December 1, 2014


  1. SW Solutions Meeting
    1. 20 – 25 neighbors
    2. 6 SWSOL people – Dan Peterson led meeting
    3. Rep from Rashida’s office
      1. history of VISTA project
      2. neighbors were concerned that SWSOL hadn’t fulfilled our demands for security of their buildings
      3. why should we support/engage you if we can’t trust you to follow through
      4. they have no 5 yr, 10 yr, 15 yr plan for their properties
      5. Christina de Roos supplied a letter to which the neighborhood wants answers in writing: by Dec. 12th
      6. Rachel would be open to a petition if they don’t respond – coordinate with Christina
  1. VISTA
  1. every 3 months they will reach back to community
  2. can we put results of survey up on NextDoor
  3. community-led planning? what are the metrics


  1. Progressive Dinner
    1. is a no go
    2. we will do it as a potluck: Bob and Jane are planning
    3. how do we diversify volunteers with these types of things? 
  2. Listserv vs. Next Door
    1. Rachel making a campaign on the listserv that encourages people to use it as a bulletin board. Move to Next Door for discussion.
    2. include language from Round-Up flyer
  3. Neighborhood Round-Up ReCap
    1. 6 – 8 “new” folks coming out to get involved
    2. did we get contact info for the new folks? 
      1. Meg will reach out to Deb
    3. How to keep engaged in the Winter: late Jan or Feb.
      1. storytelling about neighborhood: Whitdel or Cafe con Leche
      2. engage Martina Guzman
      3. tamale workshops: ask Jane, Algo Especial
  1. Let’s plan for something in the Spring
  1. Organizational Structure: 
    1. 1st Monday of every Month: keep meeting, until 
    2. $5 a year/neighborhood organization – symbolic
    3. do a campaign to build up group after SWSOL
      1. list things that we have accomplished
        1. how many BBQ’s
        2. Meetings
        3. Clean-ups


  1. Grants
    1. Knight Cities Grants
    2. Safe Grants
  2. Recycling PSA


Next Meeting: Jan. 5th, 2015


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