Board Meeting Minutes
Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association
- Date: December 20, 2016
- Present: Elizabeth Luther, Ryan Marshall, Amy Amador, Anthony Benavides, Christina deRoos, Peter Landon
- Absent: Adriana Zuniga, Jacob Martinez, Deb Sumner, Rachel Perschetz
The regular meeting of the Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association was held at the Clark Park Recreation Center at 6:00pm (slated for earlier to accommodate 2017 planning). Peter Landon is serving as meeting chair. Elizabeth Luther served as recording secretary.
- Minutes
- Officers for 2017
- Peter nominates slate:
- Christina deRoos, President
- Ryan Marshall, Vice President
- Amy Amador, Treasurer
- Elizabeth Luther, Secretary
- Discussion:
- Do we want to have residents who are newer to the neighborhood representing the neighborhood association as President and Vice President?
- If there’s an issue within the first year (2016) we can revisit the makeup of the officers
- Peter moves to pass the slate, Anthony seconds
- All present (6 members) voted in favor
- Peter nominates slate:
- Planning for 2017
- Ideas/Priorities:
- Build membership
- Increase the diversity of the association
- Door-to-door activities
- Magnet distribution on 1/14, 10am
- Sign-ups at the Bowen branch
- Options for providing outreach to apartment tenants in the neighborhood
- 100 members?
- More people engaged in subcommittees
- Engagements with people on your block/nearby neighbors — more organically
- Activities/gatherings
- Sunday, 1/29 at 4-7pm – post-holiday/New Year’s potluck
- Spring cleanup?
- End-of-summer BBQ
- Roving house party
- Low-investment activities
- Quarterly board meetings that are more public
- Further engagement with Southwest Solutions
- Proposed opening: asking SWSolns to keep us posted on what’s happening with the former Whitdel space — particularly if they’re interested in donating the space
- Engagement with planning processes
- Archive what we’ve done to date
- Website: wordpress website with 2017 meeting minutes, bylaws, etc
- Budgeting
- Using Clark Park as a fiduciary – willing to play that role
- Moving toward independence
- Getting setup with Square . . .
- Bank preferences — credit union
- Functioning budget with some reserve
- Development — community vision
- Build membership
- Ideas/Priorities:
- Other, 2017
- City’s RFP/Planning process
- Amy and Rachel representing area on advisory board (also Deb)
- Community meeting in Feb
- Riverside park meeting
- 20-feet digging needed for de-contamination, which will slow park development process – parce l3
- Baseball fields going in on parcel 1 next year, though
- Clark Park Winter Carnival, Feb 2014
- City’s RFP/Planning process
- Development Subcommittee, Invest Detroit Process
- Development Subcommittee Goals
- Good understanding of demographic and housing baseline for the neighborhood
- Comes up with a vision for development in Detroit that includes:
- Definition of development
- What do we want to see for the future? (includes: values/priorities)
- Two deliverables:
- Vision for development in the neighborhood
- Defined process for any sort of new development
- Invest Detroit
- Still willing to provide $250K to a participatory budgeting process
- HFNA request to ID:
- Yes, we’d like to keep doing the participatory budgeting piece
- Other things we’d like support for — a visioning process for Hubbard Farms — with occasional one-off needs on the following (expertise could come from an area that has done this successfully):
- Research/demographics/knowledge of permanently affordable housing tools
- Local census stuff
- Best practices nationally
- Facilitation
- Research/demographics/knowledge of permanently affordable housing tools
- Development Subcommittee Goals
- Next Meetings
- 1/17, 2016