December 20, 2016

Board Meeting Minutes

Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association 

  • Date: December 20, 2016
  • Present: Elizabeth Luther, Ryan Marshall, Amy Amador, Anthony Benavides, Christina deRoos, Peter Landon
  • Absent: Adriana Zuniga, Jacob Martinez, Deb Sumner, Rachel Perschetz

The regular meeting of the Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association was held at the Clark Park Recreation Center at 6:00pm (slated for earlier to accommodate 2017 planning). Peter Landon is serving as meeting chair. Elizabeth Luther served as recording secretary.

  1. Minutes
  2. Officers for 2017
    1. Peter nominates slate:
      1. Christina deRoos, President
      2. Ryan Marshall, Vice President
      3. Amy Amador, Treasurer
      4. Elizabeth Luther, Secretary
    2. Discussion:
      1. Do we want to have residents who are newer to the neighborhood representing the neighborhood association as President and Vice President?
      2. If there’s an issue within the first year (2016) we can revisit the makeup of the officers
      3. Peter moves to pass the slate, Anthony seconds
      4. All present (6 members) voted in favor
  3. Planning for 2017
    1. Ideas/Priorities:
      1. Build membership
        1. Increase the diversity of the association
        2. Door-to-door activities
          1. Magnet distribution on 1/14, 10am
        3. Sign-ups at the Bowen branch
        4. Options for providing outreach to apartment tenants in the neighborhood
        5. 100 members?
        6. More people engaged in subcommittees
        7. Engagements with people on your block/nearby neighbors — more organically
      2. Activities/gatherings
        1. Sunday, 1/29 at 4-7pm – post-holiday/New Year’s potluck
        2. Spring cleanup?
        3. End-of-summer BBQ
        4. Roving house party
        5. Low-investment activities
        6. Quarterly board meetings that are more public
      3. Further engagement with Southwest Solutions
        1. Proposed opening: asking SWSolns to keep us posted on what’s happening with the former Whitdel space — particularly if they’re interested in donating the space
      4. Engagement with planning processes
      5. Archive what we’ve done to date
        1. Website: wordpress website with 2017 meeting minutes, bylaws, etc
      6. Budgeting
        1. Using Clark Park as a fiduciary – willing to play that role
        2. Moving toward independence
        3. Getting setup with Square . . .
        4. Bank preferences — credit union
        5. Functioning budget with some reserve
      7. Development — community vision
  4. Other, 2017
    1. City’s RFP/Planning process
      1. Amy and Rachel representing area on advisory board (also Deb)
      2. Community meeting in Feb
    2. Riverside park meeting
      1. 20-feet digging needed for de-contamination, which will slow park development process – parce l3
      2. Baseball fields going in on parcel 1 next year, though
    3. Clark Park Winter Carnival, Feb 2014
  5. Development Subcommittee, Invest Detroit Process
    1. Development Subcommittee Goals
      1. Good understanding of demographic and housing baseline for the neighborhood
      2. Comes up with a vision for development in Detroit that includes:
        1. Definition of development
        2. What do we want to see for the future? (includes: values/priorities)
      3. Two deliverables:
        1. Vision for development in the neighborhood
        2. Defined process for any sort of new development
    2. Invest Detroit
      1. Still willing to provide $250K to a participatory budgeting process
      2. HFNA request to ID:
        1. Yes, we’d like to keep doing the participatory budgeting piece
        2. Other things we’d like support for — a visioning process for Hubbard Farms — with occasional one-off needs on the following (expertise could come from an area that has done this successfully):
          1. Research/demographics/knowledge of permanently affordable housing tools
            1. Local census stuff
            2. Best practices nationally
          2. Facilitation
  6. Next Meetings
    1. 1/17, 2016


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