Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association – Minutes
February 15, 2022, 6:30pm-8pm
- Welcome and Introductions
- Board: Martha Potere, Mike Smith, Zeb Smith, Melvin Henley, Karina Odom, Adriana Zuniga, Monte Martinez, Myett Risker, Mary Duran
- Residents: Glennis Woodfork (d4 commissioner candidate), Caton Arreguin
- Other: Caitlin Stadler (Sen. Stephanie Chang’s office), Jimmy McBroom ( Detroit Development Tracker), John Monnich (El Club lawyer)
- Development Updates in HF
- Review Development Tracker (MP)
- Riverside Park set to open by Memorial Day. Some engagement still coming through D6 meeting in March.
- Clark on track for July completion. Play equipment has arrived.
- La Joya Gardens – planning to close in May, summer groundbreaking.
- Broderick – there is an update coming soon!
- W. Grand/Porter – developers almost ready to share preliminary concepts. Inkwell selected for this.
- Murray – completed
- Suffolk – almost leasing.
- 347 W. Grand – nothing moving on that yet. People interested in renovating.
- Hubbard Manor – fully leased, Inkwell.
- Old Gas Station – Optimists Restaurant Group holds, Detroit Candle Company may do something there.
- Vacant Strip Mall (Hubbard/Vernor SE) – no info.
- Former Family Video – (Vernor/W. Grand) – no info.
- We should think about different ways to communicate how we can work with and support developers.
- Eastern Market has a rubric that they use – only support projects that hit a minimum number of points.
- P3 – projects in this category have more opportunity for engagement with us.
- New Development Tracker (Jimmy McBroom)
- Works at City, mentioned tracker project with Detour Detroit.
- Password is “detroit”
- Tracking developments across the City.
- Review Development Tracker (MP)
- DPSCD // El Club Parking (John Monnich)
- Last time – more engagement, John would engage with adjacent residents to parking lot, and talk to DPS about how they’d engage.
- Board did more due diligence, didn’t want a public parking asset held by just one business, wanted it offered to all who might need to use it.
- John – heard back from Michael Reyes, who owns two properties on Bagley. Michael expressed positive interest in seeing club lease the lot.
- John also reached out to Cmdr. Cerda, had to get concert schedule to DPS. He can put show nights on calendar for special police notice to spend extra time there at close of the concert IF a patrol unit is available – good timing as units are heading back to 4th precinct for midnight shift change.
- John acknowledges our point that the lease would be held by El Club only. He shared email from Omar that Omar would be supportive of moving El Club parking off-street.
- Workgroup of businesses hosted by La Sed.
- Need for parking, lack of existing parking, identify opportunities.
- El Club feels others can use it, “Club invitees” are allowed. John was going to update language to better reflect needs of other public parking.
- Could even run on non-show nights if there’s a lot of interest.
- New though – DPSCD might expand and could use that lot as a building site. This lease is therefore on hold until at least May or June. According to John’s contact Sylvester at DPSCD (director of real estate), it’s 50/50 on expansion. And even if it does expand, unclear what that means (new construction or better use of existing space).
- Get non-community members who use Western HS parking to come to a future board meeting and share their perspective.
- Review updates to neighborhood contractor list (Mike Smith)
- Sharing on listserv, nextdoor, and website.
- Any questions, contact
- Monte motioned to publish, Adriana second.
- Unanimous approval.
- Resident Issues
- Monte – parking lot issue – continues to be concerned by communities outside of Hubbard Farms. Invite these other organizations to our meeting if this parking issue comes back up.
- Martha – underground tank leak at W. Grand/Vernor. Apartment complex is condemned right now. Is there an entity that inspects underground storage tanks on a regular basis? Caitlin will look into it and get back to us.
- Caitlin Stadler: Upcoming virtual events with Senator Chang’s office:
February 25, 10 – 11 a.m.
Virtual coffee hour with Rep. Tate
Please join Representative Joe Tate and I for a virtual conversation about what we have been working on in the state legislature. Please come with questions and ideas to share! For more information please visit
Wednesday, March 9, 6-7 p.m.
Save the Date Gun Safety Town Hall with Rep. Kuppa
Please join Representative Padma Kuppa and I for a virtual discussion (is this with the Asian American community or for everyone? if for Asian American community specifically, should we say that year but open to all?) about gun safety and storage in the state of Michigan. We will have special guests from Everytown for Gun Safety and Giffords.
Thursday, March 3rd, 6-7pm via Zoom
Elevator/Building Safety Town Hall with Detroit Disability Power and United Community Housing Coalition
- New legislation introduced on whip-it containers, trying to limit its abuse.
- Board Training – Board Basics (Vinny)
- How do boards operate at a high level and patterns we see in high-functioning boards?
- Vanilla #1!
- Deepen understand of good governance, increase awareness of patterns/behaviors.
- Passionate, willing and able, hold the public’s interest (position of trust), make good decisions.
- “Board members need to come prepared, rise to the occasion, work diligently as a group, and expect to be intellectually taxed by complex and consequential questions.”
- Life stages of non-profit:
- Idea/Start-Up, Growth, Maturity, Review/Renew/Decline
- Board at these stages: Organizing, Organizing/Governing, Governing, Governing.
- Board characteristics at these stages:
- Hands-on, fills staff role.
- Staff implements day-to-day activities, board oversee and fundraises.
- Board concentrates on planning, oversight, fundraising.
- Board leads process of renewal/dissolution.
- Duties of: Care, Loyalty, Obedience, and Confidentiality.
- How is the board transparent to the community it serves?