Hubbard Farm Neighborhood Association Steering Cte Meeting
2/2/2015, 7pm
Host: Peter Landon
Participants: Peter Landon, Rachel Perschetz, Valeria VandePanne, Elizabeth Luther
Soundtrack: some great jazz!
- Broderick Apartments Purchase (Shelborne Development, Kathy Makino)
- Discussion (more detail on listserv): Shelborne owns a lot of property throughout metro Detroit,
- Action:
- Valerie V will reach out to Kathy Makino directly to invite Kathy to attend the next HFNA meeting to have a discussion about her plans and the neighborhood’s expectations for the broderick. Potential dates/locations:
- March 2, 2015 (at Whitdel if possible)
- April 6, 2015 (at Whitdel if possible)
- Rachel P will lead the preparation of a set of key questions and discussion points
- Peter L will reach out to the Whitdel to assess availability on above dates
- Valerie V will reach out to Kathy Makino directly to invite Kathy to attend the next HFNA meeting to have a discussion about her plans and the neighborhood’s expectations for the broderick. Potential dates/locations:
- Tax Foreclosure door-to-door report
- A cohort went door-to-door last month to check in on tax foreclosed properties in HF (around 70 properties, residents were receptive to information and most knew about the status of their properties)
- SW Solns
- Incomplete response to questions posed by HFNA to SwSolns; Christina DeRoos, Eric Howard will continue to follow up and we’ll check back in about possible additional actions at the next meeting
- Varied levels of involvement from HFNA with the Vista project
- Fun activities!
- Storytelling
- Peter L leading the organization of a storytelling event to highlight older residents’ experiences in Hubbard Farms. Good ideas for initial invitees, but anyone should share ideas with Peter. And Peter – let us know what organizing help we need.
- Open skate for n’hood residents?
- Rachel P will check in on current open-skate dates at Clark Park and will follow up to see if there’s a good option for a neighborhood-wide skating event
- Cold Hearted is on 2/14/2015
- Storytelling
- Communications
- Newsletter
- Rachel P working on a n’hood newsletter to go out in the next couple weeks.
- Will send around for review.
- Needs: Spanish translation (Christina or Magaly, perhaps?)
- Rachel P working on a n’hood newsletter to go out in the next couple weeks.
- Newsletter
- Listserv Questions:
- What is the status of subcommittee we formed last summer/fall to address listserv transition?
- Can we reconvene that to work toward transition of listserv to a resident who is willing to curate it?
- Can we continue to direct questions for maintenance (plumbers, electricians, roofers, etc.) to NextDoor?