HF Board Meeting Notes 01.12.2016
In Attendance: Peter Landon, Adriana Zuniga, Meg Heeres, Bob Anderson, Rachel Pershetz, Amy Amador, Monte Martinez, Anthony Benavides, Elizabeth Luther, and Ara Koliantz – resident guest. Absent: Deb Sumner – added blue notes.
- Review of the Agenda
- Review of meeting notes from December 8, 2015
- Old Business
- HF Reps & SWH/SWS Dialogue
- Eric Howard, Christina, and Peter were there from HF
- Bob O’Brian, Jennifer Reese and others were there from SWS
- Peter felt like what they presented wasn’t anything new
- SWS presented a dashboard
- Peter suggests that we send Debs comments as the HFNA
- requests that the dumpster enclosure is much more sturdy + secure
- clarify what landscape plantings
- fence should be a dark color
- We all agreed that these should be sent forward.
- Monte suggested that we add that they need to keep up the building across the street on Porter + Hubbard (Murray).
- Have our board meet with their board
- Perhaps we should be more diplomatic when we meet – they seem to want us to appreciate their efforts over the years
- Next steps for response:
- Peter will send Deb’s response to SWS.
- Peter will express concern about Murray building.
- We will invite a SWS representative to our meeting.
- Can someone on HFNA help support Christina + Peter’s efforts?
- By-Laws
- Elizabeth, Bob + Monte will become the By Laws Working Committee. They will present to the group.
- Next Steps: find By-Laws and share with group.
- LISC Mini-Grant
- Anthony + Amy met with LISC to hear about grants
- They suggested that the grants go to physical transformations.
- Some things that were discussed: signage for Clark Park, benches for the park, or archways for the park.
- Nikki will be writing the grant for Clark Park.
- Lawrence Tech is interested in creating a meditation area with landscaping, benches. Principles (from Maybury, Western, + Earhart)
- Hubbard Farms can do their own application:
- mesh network – Meg will reach out to Diana Nucera
- Communication:
- create a communication tool – like magnets with bilingual language, roll an event into ask – magnet event
- signage for Hubbard Richard ? = Hubbard Farms
- hire local metal-workers: Tony Martinez
- Meg send quotes to Rachel
- Rachel submitted grant
- New Business
- Coast Guard notice: sign petition online
- should the board submit something to the Coast Guard
- Elizabeth will look into what next steps could be for HFNA
- Establishment of roles:
- Bob will be corresponding secretary
- Meg will be recording secretary. Elizabeth is back-up secretary.
- Rotating chair format will stay in place.
- Meetings will be 2nd Tuesday of month. 6:30 pm start time. It will end by 8:30 pm.
- Monte will be chair for next meeting.
- Other Business:
- Ara Koliantz the new pastor from Messiah was at the meeting. He welcomed the HFNA to use the space.
- Email: ara@messiahdetroit.org
- Office: 313-554-4051
- Cell: 765-413-3362
- Ara expressed concern about the kids playground in Clark Park. Needs some repairs.
- Elizabeth has compiled list of BBQ attendees. Bob will send a note to all these folks. Meg will send him the flyer with info about Next Door, Listserv, etc. (from BBQs)