July 18, 2023

July 18, 2023
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  1. Welcome and Introductions

Attendees: Adriana Zuniga, Mike Smith, CM Romero, Joel RK, Myett Risker, Marlena, Mary Clare- Duran, Alicia Ramirez, Elizabeth Luther

  1. Approval of Minutes
  1. Motion to approve minutes, Myett and Mary Clare second
  2. The minutes were approved, and we have a quorum about 30 minutes into the meeting.

Old Business

  1. Elections
  1. No quorum- will talk about at next meeting

Conflict of Interest

  1. Montee not here

EMT Letter

  1. No update from Joel

Treasurer Report

  1. Mary Clare- a little over 200 that was not earmarked
  2. 10K is earmarked for the stage in Clark Park
  3. Is it for programming, or is it for building the stage?
  4. Who, what, when, where, and how?

New Business

  1. Elections
  2. Rules of Conduct
  3. Conflict of Interest

Committee Updates

  1. Neighborhood Beautification Committee
  1. Bonfire went well
  2. SAVE THE DATE Progressive Dinner on September 17th
  3. End of Summer Community Dinner on Thursday, August 24th at 7:00 PM
  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/Csm2epZrfh2/

Let us know if you would like to help the garden and I can help connect you with Christina.

Yard Sale ad hoc Committee

  1. Ask for $50 dollars for signage and unique signs for participants
  2. The yard sale signs up are going well, wants some more sign-ups for the performance part.
  3. Want to coordinate with CM about promotion in the newsletter/ FB page
  4. Myett, Marlena, Mike, Mary- Clare, Adrianna, and Caton approve of giving Marlena $50

Communications Committee

  1. Updated website
  2. Marlena has asked Bob to do a monthly piece on the history of Hubbard Farms
  3. Added own networking site
  4. Really great work by Marlena!
  5. Some disagreement about why people need to log in
  6. Wants the website to take the place of the listserve
  7. Can make groups private without making the whole website private
  8. Cost $50 for the free year in advance- can cancel 30 days in, then $20 for the domain. Paid for three years of the website.

Resident Issues

  1. Joel- more firefighters graduated this year.
  2. Take EMT letter off old business
  3. Have a district event

Table Deb recording/transcript for the next meeting

Mary Clare: Something is wrong with the Clark Park sign

Meeting running over time: Table website and vote over email


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