June 20, 2023

June 20, 2023
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Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association Agenda

June 20, 2023, 6:30 pm-8:00 pm

Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 850 7332 4960

Passcode: 587600

+16469313860,,85073324960#,,,,*587600# US

+19294362866,,85073324960#,,,,*587600# US (New York)


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Old Business
  4. New Business
  • Elections
  • Rules of Conduct
  • Conflict of Interest

Committee Updates

  • Neighborhood Beautification Committee
  • Yard Sale ad hoc Committee
  • Communications Committee

Resident Issues


Attendees: Mike Smith, Monte Martinez, Mary Clare Duran, Zeb Smith, Steven Machlay, Joel RK (D6 City Council), Marlena H, Vic Abla, Adriana Zuniga, Caton


Motion to approve minutes: Zeb Smith, I’s have it


Old Business:


EMT Letter:

  • Action Item: Joel will meet with them to determine what is happening.
  • Update: Joel is waiting on the meeting time; there will be more ambulance services next month, and they are hiring new people. The station is having staffing issues.
  • Going to talk with the Councilwoman’s COS
  • Councilwoman will join the call next month.


Treasurer’s Report: Over $10,000 in the bank account

  • Action Item: Mary Clare, Going to find out what the grant is for and why there is so much money in the report.

New Business:

  • Elections
  1. The paper ballots were turned in at Clark Park
  2. Send out text
  3. Monte: Want people who know their neighbors
  4. Marlena: have a succession event or mixer
  5. Monte: Post on the Hubbard Farms website
  6. Action Item: Starting new committee with Marlena, Monte, Mike, Zeb

Rules of Conduct

  1. Action Item: Monte accesses the form and sends it out to the board

Conflict of Interest:

Email Issues:

  1. Updating rules
  2. Monte: What is the email list for, and who is on it
  3. Steven Machlay: Likes to hear what is going on in the neighborhood
  4. Marlena: We need to have a  deeper conversation about bylaws and membership


Committee Updates:

  • Green Spaces Committee:
  • We had a great Summer kickoff
  • The next events coming up are the bonfire, end-of-summer dinner, and Progressive Dinner Party
  • Went into a long conversation about how to get more people involved, specifically disenfranchised groups.

Yard Sale:

  • Marlena is handling it
  • Action Item: Needs flyers printed

The board approved Marlena to have access to the website


Resident Issues:

Clark Park Ribbon Cutting is happening tomorrow


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