June 21, 2016

Draft agenda for tonight’s meeting, below! Please plan to arrive on time so we can begin right at 6:30pm.

Board Agenda, 6/21/2016, 6:30PM

Attendance: Peter, Adriana, Elizabeth, Rachel, Monte, Bob, Deb, Meg, Mike (as guest)

  1. General Business (6:30PM-6:45PM)
  2. Review of today’s agenda
  • Peter approved the minutes
  • Adriana seconded this
  1. Review of meeting notes from last meeting
  2. Review of MCR grant application
  • Signage
  • Amy’s ideas – combine them
  • Corktown’s signage – can we roll this out into Hubbard Farm signage?
    • They expressed interest in this.
    • Elizabeth will follow up on this
    • Meg talked about Chad Roskind’s grant he got from Knight Cities
  • June 29th is the due date: Rachel will take a stab at putting together something around outreach and signage
  1. Any other urgent/time-sensitive business
  • Meg is stepping down as secretary b/c she is moving out of the neighborhood
    • HFNA board needs to find a replacement
  1. By-Laws (6:45PM-7:30PM)
  1. Peter moved to have By Law subcommitee work on Duties section
  2. We made it through most of the By Laws
    1. Need some nit-picky language review
    2. Invest Detroit Presentation (7:30PM-7:55PM)
  3. Gap lending for female, minority, small business
    1. Did a lot of work in Midtown + Downtown
    2. Put themselves out of business there
  4. Now they are wanting to do work in the neighborhoods: raising 30 million
    1. Layers of funding / project
      1. Real estate
      2. Matching grants for security, facade improvements, mobility (bike share)
  • Parklet improvements
  1. Detroit-based, minority architects + developers to build their career, give them support + opportunity
  2. In each neighborhood, they identified 10 or 12 projects: good guys + bad guys
  1. 4 projects:
    1. Hubbard + Vernor (north side): mixed used
      1. Small retail on the bottom
      2. Upper floors: 2 + 3 floors total
    2. West Grand + Porter – parking lot for the church: row houses or townhomes
      1. Plan would be vetted through Historic
      2. These would be rentals
        1. 80% market, 20% affordable
  • Bagley + Vinewood: wrap-around townhomes
    1. These would be rentals
      1. 80% market, 20 % affordable
    2. SW owns this lot
  1. Murray Townhomes
    1. Rehab these unit
  2. RFQ in partnership with City
  1. Peter was asking questions about how bringing on these units – and potentially bringing in 75 new residents. How will this change the character of the neighborhood?
    1. Deb is confused about how Invest Detroit is not a developer
      1. Mike clarified that Invest Detroit brings gap funding to help development happen
    2. Rachel asked about their relationship with SW Housing
      1. SW will be consulting on project
    3. 2 other neighborhoods:
      1. West Village
      2. Livernois/McNichols
      3. Wrap-Up (7:55PM-8:00PM)
      4. Next meeting date: Tuesday, July 19th
      5. Chair: Elizabeth
      6. Notetaker: Rachel


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