March 16, 2021

Minutes of the Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association meeting on March 16, 2021

Members Present: Hannah Miller, Martha Potere, Anthony Benavides, Amy Amador, Donovan McCarty, Monte Martinez

Members Absent: Peter Landon, Robert Rodriguez, Adriana Zuniga, Deb Sumner, Matthew Fogarty

Residents Present: Victor Abla, Najahyia, Janet Ray

Others Present: Caitlin Stadler, Office of Stephanie Chang; 4th Precinct Commander Sloan; 4th Precinct Sgt. Gutierrez; 4th Precinct NPO Officer Ruiz; Precinct NPO Officer, Kellogg

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Office of Stephanie Chang
    1. Caitlin Stadler shared a community survey and will forward a link to the board so it can be shared with the community.
  3. Housing Affordability in Hubbard Farms
    1. HF’s is at 48% AMI affordability (~$24k/2.1 people in household) based on avg income/family size per the 2019 American Community Survey
    2. Rental rates at AMI
    3. Next Steps – Re-engage with development committee members to come up with recommendations from HFNA for future development projects
    4. Concern raised re: Project Greenlight for developments
    5. Concern raised re: developing more rental housing; Hubbard Farms is 75% rental; imbalance for families.
    6. There was a SW housing committee that was reviewing affordable housing in SW Detroit including naturally occurring affordable housing; could find out how many subsidized rental units exist in Hubbard Farms currently and at what level.
  4. Developer for vacant lots at W. Grand Blvd and Porter site was selected but deal fell through. The City is soliciting proposals for the site (DLBA owned parcels).
  5. DPD- Truck routes in Hubbard Farms; Commander Sloan shared
    1. DPD requested additional signage re: truck routes to ban trucks from DPW and is waiting on clear information on where trucks can drive in Hubbard Farms.
    2. Trucks are not allowed on the Blvd.
    3. 4th Precinct plans to do officer training so police are informed on
    4. Truck issue at the end of January and early February – DIBC was working on the bridge and not allowing trucks on their service drive and opened alternate gate on Fort St which caused trucks to have to find their way to the freeway. Trucks were using surface streets and blocking the the 4th precinct’s ability for fire and police to enter/exit. DIBC petitioned MDOT for a second access gate (just west of bridge on north side of Fort). This would allow trucks to come out one gate and then re-enter via the other gate to access the freeways.
    5. Next steps: HFNA member can collect truck list and email list of when / where trucks are every couple weeks plus info on who owns the trucks; pictures are helpful.
    6. 4th precinct will have conversations to educate companies so they can educate their drivers.
    7. Officer Ruiz shared that the drivers from intermodal facilities may be from various companies; they don’t typically work for the rail company so there is more limited control the rail company has.
    8. Anthony shared that he saw a yellow Centra Trucking truck (Moroun company) drive southbound down WGB today.


    1. DPD will have a drifting and ATV enforcement plan again this year;
      1. ATVs are not legal on the streets
      2. DPD cannot pursue ATVs on the road but has other ways to address
      3. 4th Precinct is aware of the damage caused by ATVs in Clark Park
    2. The Citywide parks detail will be resuming as the weather gets warmer
    3. 4th Precinct will have its own City police officer
    4. Next steps: Let DPD know (anonymously is fine) if there are drifters or ATVs in the area and they can work to address the issue
  1. Communications
    1. Need way to engage people who don’t use NextDoor or the listserv to share Zoom link; requests for zoom link from offices of politicians
    2. Recommendations:
      1. Encourage people to print the notice and share with those who don’t have the Internet with the meeting agenda.
      2. Ask Raquel C-L if her newsletter shares the info on block club meetings Amy Amador
      3. Create a google group to include those who’ve requested to receive meeting notices from politician offices. Amy Amador
  2. Elections

Amy and Donovan presented the following recommendations.

    1. Hold elections in September – allows for more vaccinations, warmer weather, and people to be comfortable coming out to vote.
    2. Have both in-person voting and online options for voting.
    3. For online options –  people could submit their name and address and then would receive a link to vote.
    4. Conduct more resident engagement prior to election so that there is more engagement by the time election occurs.
    5. Pass a board resolution to extend terms.
    6. Revise by-laws to allow for extended terms and alter months specified for elections.

Consensus received; Resolution and by-laws change will be drafted. Donovan McCarty

Amy drafted a timeline to get us to September. HFNA 2021 Elections – Draft

Resident Engagement:

  • The survey by Sen Chang’s office can be used to gauge resident concerns.
  • April 24th – there will be a clean up at Clark Park; HFNA can encourage residents to assist
  • Vinewood concerts will be restarting – Martha is assisting; use as leverage for HFNA engagement; may also occur at Clark Park;
  • Hubbard Farms Gardens will have a bonfire likely in August but maybe sooner; could do a progressive dinner but at outdoor spaces – Clark Park, Hubbard Garden, Vinewood Garden, and W. Grand Blvd (DLBA lots)
  1. Resident concerns
    1. Rental Assistance – Donovan shared there are Zoom meetings where people who need to apply for rental assistance can do so. Recommend sharing on listserv Donovan McCarty
    2. Suggestion – Add rental and eviction assistance as a topic to next month’s meeting to invite more renters to engage. Donovan can lead discussion. Potentially discuss the possibility of rent control in Detroit. Donovan McCarty


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