Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association Agenda
March 21, 2023, 6:30pm-8:00pm
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Meeting ID: 814 2764 9517
Passcode: 051268
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- Welcome and Introductions
- 501c3 designation
- Fort St. EMT station closure
- District 6 newsletter spotlight
- Elected official invite?
- Clark Park Coalition strategic planning (30 min)
- HFNA Development Discussion
- Resident Issues
- Committee Updates
- Neighborhood Beautification Committee
Attendance: Maria Schmieder (Janet Ray- Mission Lift), Mary Clare Duran, Becky Davenport (Clark Park), Mike Smith, Al Herbach (Clark Park), Rachel Perschetz, Phil Clark, Janet Ray, Marlena, Adriana Zuniga, Myett Risker, Joél Reyes-Klann (City of Detroit) Caton (taking notes)
District Six Spotlight:
- Highlighting community members and block clubs
- Approved the district 6 spotlight
- Action Item- Phil Clark and Mary Clare are going to fill out the form
501c3 designation:
- Rachel- using Clark Park as a fiduciary
- Marlena- Talked about how folks were upset about bylaws. Don’t have ratified bylaws. Encouraging more people to get involved.
- Myett and Phil- both want bylaws and c3 to move forward.
- Marlena- bylaws have to be written for c3.
- Starting a working group- Phil and Marlena are members.
- Action Item- Mike is going to invite other residents to join.
Clark Park Coalition strategic planning:
- Starting with three questions:
- What do you love about Clark Park?
- Bringing community together
- Having a flagship park is nice
- Liked the flowers before they were torn out, when is the new equipment coming?
- Walking groups, the hill
- Trees arbitrum
- Clark Park is a small arbitrum, having a homecoming event
- Tennis Court
- Get rid of porter potty
- What unique role does Clark Park play?
- Only place for kids to participate in sports
- Fields are full in the summer
- Bring your kids year round, and can center your life around it.
- Human society free vacancies
- Good spot for the unhoused
- Venue for Public Art
- Future of Clark Park- anything to have a better community impact?
- More natural landscaping
- Want to keep a garden
- More cleaning
- Similarities and coordination between riverside park
EMT Letter:
- Want to write a letter to get it back open.
- Getting feedback from Deb
- Might not be true- Fire department said no stations were closed.
- Might want to still write a letter on increasing EMT workers even though the station has said not to have been closed.
- Action Item: Joel is going to meet with them and find out what exactly is happening.
Elected Officials:
- Yes, it would be beneficial to invite them.
- Action Item: Caton to invite.
Neighborhood Comments:
- Caton- getting a bee garden in the HF garden. Having a clean up on Saturday at 2:00 PM, I will send out flyers.