March 9, 2016

HF Board Draft Agenda 03.08.2016, 6:30pm

In Attendance: Bob Anderson (left at 8pm), Adrianna Zuniga, Monte Martinez, Peter Landon, Rachel Perschetz, Amy Amador, Elizabeth Luther (late), Anthony Benavides

Visitors: Three (3) Challenge Detroit Fellows, Christina deRoos, three Whitdel reps: Jen-Clair, Rachel, and [3rd guy]

1.    Review of today’s Agenda (6:30 pm)

2.    Review of meeting notes from February 9, 2016 (6:35pm)

  • Notes

3.    New Business (6:40pm)

Discussion with Challenge Fellows  (6:40pm)

●        Communication tools and boundaries

●        Recommendations for what can happen downtown: activities for 8-18yos, keep the jazz fest, other ethnic festivals, etc, detroit arts festival, transportation to downtown, latin events

●        And what the downtown should know about Hubbard Farms: adult softball league (people’s softball league), Clark Park, ultimate frisbee, patton park, etc.

             Next Steps

●        Contact Annie Gough if you’re available to meet on Friday to discuss further:

●        Presentation at the end of the next five (5) weeks

4.    Old Business – Priorities (6:55pm)

Communication with Southwest Solutions (6:55)

●        Cafe con Leche is leasing SER Metro — not a SW Solns issue, so we’re not going to talk about it

●        Tenant evictions: Whitdel gallery & Ladybug Studios (SW Solns). All under the CAID umbrella. 2014: long-standing dispute/disagreement btw CAID/Spread Art. Whitdel has been running gallery with five-year MOU, sounds like CAID has tried to usurp space with a new MOU. Working with Steve Gabrys at SWSolns. News today: terminating Whitdel and Ladybug MOU, which is an example of how SWSolns operates. Space is currently rent-free, and that has continued per the MOU. Whitdel was originally supposed to be artists housing. Whitdel board is interested in support from the community, and advice for who else to talk to inc. John Van Camp. Recommendation: Whitdel/Ladybug reach out to Arts/Culture cte of Vista project.

●        Communication with SW Solns generally (Christina deRoos). Meetings for over two years now, is there a win-win path between the residents and SW Solns? Poor communication, not great at sharing “wins”, etc. Don’t feel that current approach is successful. Is there a way of upping pressure by: attending board meetings, posting to “inside southwest”. But it doesn’t seem like they’re really “putting it all together”, acting like an organization that’s hiding. They worry that Hubbard Farms residents don’t appreciate what they’re doing, have it out for them, and/or think they’re crazy. Christina doesn’t know any smaller community group that works with them on the regular and has a good experience? Bob, John, and Tom take the criticism very seriously.  Other options: participatory budgeting for how each building operates . . .

             Next Steps

●        HFNA board can draft a letter saying that Ladybug and Whitdel are community assets (to: Steve, Tom (or Tim), and John? Also potentially: Dan Pederson, Laura Sanchez, Jen Reese); Rachel Perschetz will draft

●        Board’s questions re: SW Solns: property management, property maintenance, (a) crime is no longer happening, (b) sw solns buildings are well-maintained (no eviction, etc.), (c) SW Solns has restored trust to SW Solns by operating transparently and other, (d) SW Solns develops a strategic housing plan with 10-15-30-year goals. The dashboard is from a City Planning Commission-mediated meeting → where they agreed to report on certain things that they committed to. Also: missing JPMChase financing. Also: Christina will type up the four questions requesting a three-board-member-to-three-board-member meeting. Want to be diplomatic and engaging. Can ask them for a dashboard update quarterly. Rachel & Peter are board point people.

●        Draft: half-page of bullet points to summarize all of the issues from the June 2013 (2014?) letter. Ask for a meeting with the board/subset of the board to address the four points.

Bylaws (working draft link here) (7:30pm)

●        Discussion

             Next Steps

●        Notess

5.    New Business V2 (7:55pm)

Duggan Mtg @ Rachel/Sean’s House, 4/6/2016 — 4pm (7:55pm)

●        20+ residents. Board members are invited and bring a friend. Want to make sure our neighborhood continues on a positive trajectory.

             Next Steps

●        Notess

6.    If there’s time . . . (8pm)

LISC Planning Process

●        Discussion

             Next Steps

●        Notess

 Crime / Neighborhood Safety

●        Discussion

             Next Steps

●        Notess

 DIBC / Second Span (Coast Guard Meeting)

●        Discussion

             Next Steps

●        Notess
  1. Other

Next meeting

  • April 19, 2016, 6:30pm at Clark Park
  • Who is Chairing? Rachel Perschetz.


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