May 4, 2015

May 4th, 2015

HFNA meeting

Peter A, Rachel P, Bob Spence, Tracey McMillan, Danny Kroha , Jane Slaughter, Zackery Finn

  1. Recap of last meeting
    1. Need to complete the City of Detroit n’hood association form (Amy A has this, we need officers)
    2. June meeting
      1. Potluck, meet your neighbors, etc.
      2. Flyer: Potluck, Membership dues ($5 or 2 hours) à Rachel will do a flyer, check with Anthony on availability, etc.
        1. Tracey can help with translation
  • Potluck
  1. Use of mission statement and old bylaws, with revisiting that as one task for the new group
  2. Check with Amy A. on additional info needed for n’hood association form
  3. Elections: temporary (6mo, aim for at least five (5) people, no contest, etc.)
  1. Additional “fun” gathering
    1. Rotating front porch idea (Marlena)
  2. Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) meeting
    1. Another meeting on 5/6/2015 to choose a consultant . . .
    2. SDBA also doing a market study in Detroit
    3. Other concerns:
      1. Traffic calming
      2. Commercial strip development (btw Vinewood and Hubbard)
  • Galapagos
  1. Bridge between existing residents, new residents, and low income residents
  2. Broderick discussion (Kathy Makino)
    1. Meeting:
      1. Peter, Jane, Amy, Christina, others (7 people)
      2. Christina shared history of HFNA with KM
  • Doesn’t have a solid idea of development
  1. Open to selling
  2. Discussed options with Jacques Driscoll
  3. Likes to do block-level revitalization
  • May do a walk-through with Monte, Christina, other neighbors
  • Liked the “artist” focus of the Whitdel
  1. Need for a lot of $$/subsidy for redeveloping the building
  1. Going forward:
    1. Desire for mixed-income/mixed-use development
    2. Invite her to neighborhood events
  2. Ongoing conversations with Southwest Solution
    1. We owe them a response
    2. Peter will follow up with Christina
    3. Vista update:
      1. Dan Pederson, Evan Villanueve, etc.
      2. Brainstorms around use of vacant space
  • Pocket parks: Bagley & St. Anne & another. “Dream board” going up over at that lot. (on a vacant building)
  1. Big turnout (largest part of 555 space . . . )
  2. Contact at Galapagos . . . maybe artists’ residences eventually?
  3. Big quarterly meetings
  • Monthly stuff
  • N’hood beautification on 6/6
  1. Spanish-speaking amenities at group
  2. SW bought a Lithuanian hall, displaying art work
  3. Once a week they organize a street clean-up crew . . . (Dan Pederson)
  4. Additional biz:
    1. Build Detroit space is open (on Bagley) – could use for community meetings
    2. SW Detroit time bank: 5/29 party at the Boulevard House, 7pm. The time bank is great!
    3. Soccer game recap (40 people, want 60, 25 kids from Clark Park) this Saturday, bus is at 6:30
    4. Signatures to ban fracking via a 250k-signature process. Training at the Campbell Library at 5:30pm
    5. Wednesday 5/6, 7pm, 1927 Rosa Parks (Bridgewatch)
    6. Summer in the city working to cover up graffiti on light poles, etc. Bob runs the mural part of things. Workshop that through the Vista Arts (cte?).


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