November 16, 2021

Minutes of the Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association meeting on November 16, 2021

Members Present: Martha Potere, Zeb Smith, Monte Martinez, Mary Duran, Melvin Henley, Karina Odom, Myett Risker, Adriana Zuniga, Mike Smith


Members Absent: Donovan McCarty, Matthew Fogarty

Residents Present: Caton Arreguin, Ben Ratner, Lauren Milia

Others Present: Caitlin Stadler (Office of State Sen. Stephanie Chang)

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. New Board Member Onboarding – Martha led us through the following:
    1. Icebreaker – Grab something within arm’s reach!
    2. Google Group – reviewed with group
    3. Google Drive – reviewed with group
    4. Communications – – need someone to update regularly.
    5. Bylaws – reviewed with groups
  3. Coming Up
    1. Board terms – need to solve for too many people terming out at once.
    2. Resident Agent – was Peter, need someone as named with state.
    3. Executive Committee
    4. Other committees – discussion of other committees, such as Beautification Commitee and Green Spaces Committee. Martha requested one board member be on each committee at a minimum.
    5. Board training – training by Melvin Henley proposed. Doodle poll sent for January.
  4. Development Updates in HF
    1. Martha reviewed Development Tracker
      1. New updates: Riverside Park land swap voted down!
      2. Clark Park has started work on Vernor edge.
      3. La Joya Gardens – engage again with community soon?
      4. Broderick – can’t get a hold of Kathy Makino for status.
      5. 347 W. Grand – raised by residents. Owned by Omar Hernandez. What is status?
  5. Paint the Street (MP)
    1. Discussion started with midblock vs crosswalks. Midblock/street is something new. Some interest in Vinewood/Porter as an offset and dangerous street corner.
    2. Discussion about following City Walls model, where there’s a vision statement created by residents that is then put out as a call to artists to follow and submit proposals. Artists could work with students or residents.
    3. Need to discuss budget still, HF’s job to fund.
    4. Martha to start ad hoc committee to push forward, starting with Myett Risker, Mike Smith, Monte Martinez, and Mary Duran.
  6. Vendor List (MS)
    1. Mike Smith created a vendor intake form for board to react to. Board offered advice on just listing companies vs allowing negative grades. Board offered advice to avoid negative grades. Myett requested comment section (a la Yelp) for each vendor, but this is beyond Mike’s capacity to deliver, tabled that part for now.
    2. Mike to take revised recommendations, ask for existing Vendor list from Betsy Cooper.
    3. Resource card (useful phone number list) was also requested.
  7. Resident Issues
    1. Ben Ratner and Caton Arreguin discussed launching a formal Green Spaces Committee and the successful tulip planting that occurred.
    2. Caitlin Stadler discussed different opportunities to engage with Senator Chang.


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