October 13, 2015

HFNA Meeting Notes: 10.13.2015


  1. Introductions / Peter Landon, Meg Herres, Anthony Benavides, Monte Martinez, Sherrie Petkus, Lee Andrews, Myrtle Ansley, Bill Gourley, Bob Anderson, Mike Smith, Rachel Perschetz, Amy Amador, Deb Sumner
  2. Communications
    1. List-serve
      1. Recommend that we remove Mitch Alexander as admin & add Bill G.
      2. Recommend that Listserv members are viewable + transparent
      3. Recommend that the Reply default is to the Sender of the message
      4. Recommend that individual conversations be moderated
        1. If people don’t refrain, then they will be taken off
      5. People without a name associated to their email, will be asked to provide their name. If they refuse, they will be removed.
      6. Admins will post how people can remove themselves from list
        1. Should we remove people from list who don’t live in the neighborhood?
        2. Follow up on recommendations
        3. Elizabeth + Meg work on Google groups
  3. New Business / Questions
    1. Trash cans at Clark Park
      1. City doesn’t pick up trash after October
      2. PSA to tell people about the situation
        1. post on Next Door + Listserv – who can do this? (Meg)
    2. Organize a town hall meeting / every 3 months suggestion
      1. To raise issues
    3. Holiday Party at Whitdel
      1. Who will Organize?
      2. Whitdel?
      3. Will Jane + Christine do it?
  4. Old Business
    1. Articles of Incorporation

Consensus of Adoption of Last Draft as Presented in HF Handout @ Sept. BBQ

    1. By-Laws
      1. Set aside a separate meeting to discuss the By-Laws / go through line by line
      2. Next Tuesday HF Meeting: November 10th
        1. Rachel will send out full set
        2. Each committee member look at them beforehand
        3. Make sure we let neighbors know what we will be doing at meeting
    2. SW Housing Correspondence
      1. Christina was out of touch w/ SW Housing due to family issues. She just re-engaged.
      2. Trying to meet with Bob O’Brian from SW Housing.
      3. Deb suggests sending it to their Board.
      4. Peter will discuss sending it to their board with Christina.
      5. The letter could come from the HFNA as an entity to their Board.
        1. Perhaps Christina could draft it.
    3. LISC
      1. Rachel reported that they did a tour of the neighborhood
      2. She will follow up about any new news
  1. Board Process / Structure
    1. Revolving chair at each meeting
      1. Peter will chair Nov. 10 meeting
      2. Will work w/ Rachel on it
    2. Revolving note taker at each meeting
      1. Meg can take notes at Nov. meeting


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