HFNA Meeting Notes: 10.13.2015
- Introductions / Peter Landon, Meg Herres, Anthony Benavides, Monte Martinez, Sherrie Petkus, Lee Andrews, Myrtle Ansley, Bill Gourley, Bob Anderson, Mike Smith, Rachel Perschetz, Amy Amador, Deb Sumner
- Communications
- List-serve
- Recommend that we remove Mitch Alexander as admin & add Bill G.
- Recommend that Listserv members are viewable + transparent
- Recommend that the Reply default is to the Sender of the message
- Recommend that individual conversations be moderated
- If people don’t refrain, then they will be taken off
- People without a name associated to their email, will be asked to provide their name. If they refuse, they will be removed.
- Admins will post how people can remove themselves from list
- Should we remove people from list who don’t live in the neighborhood?
- Follow up on recommendations
- Elizabeth + Meg work on Google groups
- List-serve
- New Business / Questions
- Trash cans at Clark Park
- City doesn’t pick up trash after October
- PSA to tell people about the situation
- post on Next Door + Listserv – who can do this? (Meg)
- Organize a town hall meeting / every 3 months suggestion
- To raise issues
- Holiday Party at Whitdel
- Who will Organize?
- Whitdel?
- Will Jane + Christine do it?
- Trash cans at Clark Park
- Old Business
- Articles of Incorporation
Consensus of Adoption of Last Draft as Presented in HF Handout @ Sept. BBQ
- By-Laws
- Set aside a separate meeting to discuss the By-Laws / go through line by line
- Next Tuesday HF Meeting: November 10th
- Rachel will send out full set
- Each committee member look at them beforehand
- Make sure we let neighbors know what we will be doing at meeting
- SW Housing Correspondence
- Christina was out of touch w/ SW Housing due to family issues. She just re-engaged.
- Trying to meet with Bob O’Brian from SW Housing.
- Deb suggests sending it to their Board.
- Peter will discuss sending it to their board with Christina.
- The letter could come from the HFNA as an entity to their Board.
- Perhaps Christina could draft it.
- Rachel reported that they did a tour of the neighborhood
- She will follow up about any new news
- By-Laws
- Board Process / Structure
- Revolving chair at each meeting
- Peter will chair Nov. 10 meeting
- Will work w/ Rachel on it
- Revolving note taker at each meeting
- Meg can take notes at Nov. meeting
- Revolving chair at each meeting