October 19, 2021

Minutes of the Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association meeting on October 19,  2021

Members Present: Martha Potere, Amy Amador, Deb Sumner, Adriana Zuniga, Anthony Benavides, Monte Martinez

Newly Elected Members Present: Mary Clare Duran, Melvin (Benny) Henley, Myett Risker, Mike Smith, Zeb Smith

Members Absent: Peter Landon, Donovan McCarty, Hannah Miller, Matthew Fogarty, Karina Odom

Residents Present: Caton A, Ben Ratner, Shaun Nethercott, Aton

Others Present: Sen. Stephanie Chang, Caitlin Stadler – Office of Stephanie Chang

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Deb motioned to add new board members and Monte seconded. Motion carried.
    1. Mary Clare Duran
    2. Melvin (Benny) Henley
    3. Karina Odom
    4. Myett Risker
    5. Zeb Smith
    6. Mike Smith

Thanks provided to outgoing members: Deb Sumner, Anthony Benavides, Peter Landon, Hannah Miller, Amy Amador, and Robert Rodriguez (who resigned during the pandemic).

  1. Development Updates in Southwest
    1. Martha reviewed the Development Tracker – new updates:
      1. Waiting for update on Riverside Park and Clark Park from John DeReuiter, City of Detroit
        1. Letter from City to Clark Park Coalition notes completion of Clark Park improvements by summer of 2022
        2. Board position column added to the sheet to not board position or concerns
    2. P3 projects – no updates
      1. Email sent to K. Makino re: the Broderick; no response received
  2. DLBA Lot Endorsement Program – General interest in participating as an endorser in the lot endorsement program.  Amy Amador will find out if we can define an area of less than 2 sq miles.
  3. Paint the Street – https://detroitmi.gov/departments/department-public-works/paint-street
    1. Martha reached out to schools and has not received a response.
    2. New board will consider effort at next meeting.
  4. Land transfer to the Detroit International Bridge Corporation for the 2nd span
    1. A description of of the project was provided. There is strong concern that the land transfer is occurring without presentation of the 2nd span plan to the community and discussion of impacts to the community or community benefits.
    2. Recommendation on transfer is up for vote by Planning and Economic Development Committee on Thursday, 10/21/21 at 11am. The committee vote has been delayed twice by Council Member Tate for additional community engagement. People are encouraged to speak at the meeting and to contact Council Members ahead of the meeting.
    3. If it is recommended for approval, then the full City Council will consider the land transfer for a vote.
  1. Resident Issues
    1. Mike Smith is developing a contractor list for the neighborhood (and may consider learning WordPress in the future).


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