Date/Time: October 19, 2023 @ 7pm
Present: Monte Martinez, Nat Zorach, Zeb Smith, Marlena Hanlon
Absent: Myett Risker, Caton Arreguin (attempted to connect with video conferencing, unsuccessful)
This meeting centered the majority of time with introduction and exploration of positions over core issues, particularly development.
Officers were elected, as follows:
Monte Martinez, Co-President
Zeb Smith, Co-President
Nat Zorach, Treasurer
Marlena Hanlon, Secretary
These four officers comprise the executive committee, which is also open to other directors.
Discussed forum input regarding size of board. Agreed that current board numbers met bylaw requirements (3) and were advantageous in providing lower quorum barriers and more active board members.
Discussed potential requirements for satisfactory board participation, particularly around attendance. Tabled for further discussion.
Discussed changing meeting frequency and goals. Proposed to split board planning and operational meeting from neighborhood meeting, with board members rotating facilitation of neighborhood meeting. Planning and operations meetings will be executive committee meetings. Agreed, with further specifics TBD.
Discussed creating an input campaign, using multiple channels for feedback. This would allow neighbors to identify interests and priorities for the board and volunteer initiatives. The channels may include surveys, topic forums and door to door outreach. Agreed, with further specifics TBD.
– As a subset of the input campaign, discussed to form an intensive work group to engage potential bylaw revision and perfecting engagement process. Agreed, with further specifics TBD.
– The compilation of data from the input campaign will result in development of a strategic plan.
Discussed to form a federal 501(c)(3). Agreed. Marlena to ascertain costs. ANSWER: initial application is $275 and can be completed by Marlena.
Discussed liaising with legacy members for purposes of resources and archives. Nat volunteered to manage this.
Current active committees:
1. Communication
2. Green/Beautification (should these be combined?)
3. Social
4. Pet
1. Marlena to set-up new communication conventions for the board.
– Bio
– Image, photo or avatar
– Preferred email for forwarding
2. Nat to liaise with Deb Sumner for archives and information. PLEASE UPDATE AT NEXT BOARD MEETING.
3. Nat to liaise with Mary Clare for Treasurer and funds standing. PLEASE UPDATE AT NEXT BOARD MEETING.
4. Everyone poke around in the drives shared by Mike Smith to understand what information we have and what we may need. PLEASE COMPLETE BY NEXT BOARD MEETING.
Next Neighborhood Meeting is 11/21. Discussion around making this an in-person event to welcome new board and create opportunity for neighbors.
Proposed date for next Exec Committee Meeting is 11/16 to finalize previous discussion points and sign conflict of interest statements.