Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association Agenda
September 19, 2023, 6:30pm-8:00pm
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 898 3929 9149
Passcode: 491644
+12532158782,,89839299149#,,,,*491644# US (Tacoma)
+13017158592,,89839299149#,,,,*491644# US (Washington DC)
- Welcome and Introductions
- Adriana Zuniga, Marlena H, Mary Clare Duran, Monte Martinez, Caton Arreguin, Joél RK, Alicia Ramirez
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of minutes Adriana seconds approval
- Old Business
- Elections
- Conflict of Interest and Candidate Restriction (Monte)
- Who are the landlords in the neighborhood?
- Marlena: majority of neighborhood residents are renters. Don’t want to exclude them.
- Monte: with Ford moving in, rent is going up.
- Table conversation until next meeting.
- Marlena: I want to focus on bylaws.
- Conflict of Interest and Candidate Restriction (Monte)
- New Business
- Yard Sale debrief
- Most of us weren’t there
- Have it the weekend proceeding bulk pickup
- Committee Updates
- Neighborhood Green Spaces Committee
- Progressive dinner went well
- Planning scavenger hunt and the rest of the year out
- Tulip Planting
- Communications Committee
- A lot of things to follow up on
- Newsletter?
- Social Media access
- Don’t have access to Facebook
- Start a new facebook
- Text thread
- Joél will ask about a texting service for the neighborhood through the city budget.
- Elections Committee
- Step aside if you have conflict of interest
- Do we allow non residents a vote?
- Marelena H. and Nat Zorick
- Zeb Smith and Phil not continuing
- Brainstorm on candidates
- Also need a President, VP and Secretary, Treasurer
- Logistics
- Give people until the 30th to announce running.
- Logistics
- Resident Issues
- Treasurer’s report:
- $10,286.46