September 19, 2023

Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association Agenda

September 19, 2023, 6:30pm-8:00pm

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 898 3929 9149

Passcode: 491644

+12532158782,,89839299149#,,,,*491644# US (Tacoma)

+13017158592,,89839299149#,,,,*491644# US (Washington DC)



  1. Welcome and Introductions
    1. Adriana Zuniga, Marlena H, Mary Clare Duran, Monte Martinez, Caton Arreguin, Joél RK, Alicia Ramirez
  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. Approval of minutes Adriana seconds approval
  1. Old Business
    1. Elections
      1. Conflict of Interest and Candidate Restriction (Monte)
        1. Who are the landlords in the neighborhood?
        2. Marlena: majority of neighborhood residents are renters. Don’t want to exclude them.
        3. Monte: with Ford moving in, rent is going up.
        4. Table conversation until next meeting.
        5. Marlena: I want to focus on bylaws.
  1. New Business
    1. Yard Sale debrief
      1. Most of us weren’t there
      2. Have it the weekend proceeding bulk pickup
  1. Committee Updates
    1. Neighborhood Green Spaces Committee
      1. Progressive dinner went well
      2. Planning scavenger hunt and the rest of the year out
      3. Tulip Planting
  1. Communications Committee
      1. A lot of things to follow up on
      2. Newsletter?
      3. Social Media access
        1. Don’t have access to Facebook
        2. Start a new facebook
        3. Text thread
        4. Joél will ask about a texting service for the neighborhood through the city budget.
  1. Elections Committee
      1. Step aside if you have conflict of interest
      2. Do we allow non residents a vote?
      3. Marelena H. and Nat Zorick
      4. Zeb Smith and Phil not continuing
      5. Brainstorm on candidates
      6. Also need a President, VP and Secretary, Treasurer
        1. Logistics
          1. Give people until the 30th to announce running.
  1. Resident Issues
  2. Treasurer’s report:
    1. $10,286.46


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