September 21, 2021

Minutes of the Hubbard Farms Neighborhood Association meeting on September 21, 2021

Members Present: Martha Potere, Matthew Fogarty, Amy Amador, Deb Sumner, Adriana Zuniga, Anthony Benavides, Hannah Miller

Members Absent: Peter Landon, Donovan McCarty, Monte Martinez

Residents Present: Karina Odom, Cassie, Pasqual, Caton

Others Present: ? – Office of Stephanie Chang, Daniel Arking – Soapbox Detroit

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Election update provided – viewed online ballot and outreach next steps – listserv, website; recommended to provide email address to website to send emails to residents; paper ballots provided to distribution network last Saturday – should be distributed within the week; election end date: 11:59 pm at 10/12/21
  3. Daniel Arking gave a presentation on Soapbox Detroit – a website project he created to provide the public access to the City Code and recently passed ordinances as well as City Departments, Boards, Authorities, etc. and a calendar of publicly held meetings and how to attend.
  4. Development Updates in Southwest
    1. Martha reviewed the Development Tracker
      1. Greenway slated for Hubbard Farms in 2028; more opportunity to engage before construction
      2. Waiting on update re: Riverside Park and Clark Park
      3. La Joya expects to begin construction fall 2021
      4. The Broderick did not receive LIHTEC funding; SER Metro has pulled out of the project
      5. Porter/W Grand – a developer has been selected for this land; to be announced soon
      6. The Murray – currently leasing; project complete
      7. Suffolk – construction ongoing; expect to complete in winter
      8. Hubbard Manor – fully leased
  5. Introduction to ioby – tabled; Martha to contact scheduled presenter to reschedule
  6. DLBA Lot Endorsement Program – DLBA is seeking neighborhood associations and block clubs to endorse the purchase of vacant lots in neighborhoods where there isn’t an adjacent home to purchase it. Board members were encouraged to read email, watch video and attend webinar to learn more. Topic will be brought back for a vote to become an endorser in October. Amy will find out if we can define an area of less than 2 sq miles.
  7. Paint the Street –
    1. Martha provided map of possible intersections and asked for suggestions; Porter and Vinewood suggested (it is irregular with a jog). Bagley and Hubbard also suggested for the same reason. Suggested deferring to those walking with children in the neighborhood.
    2. Deb will share responses from others in SW Detroit who had concerns regarding the environmental impact of painting roads
  8. Resident Issues
    1. (didn’t catch name) asked if he could plant tulips at the Hubbard Farms sign. He was encouraged to do so. The land is owned by the Detroit Land Bank Authority so there is not likely any issue in beautifying the land.
    2. Amy voiced support for Karina who she has worked with in the past for the board.
    3. Pasqual said he is planting roses in the median at W Grand Blvd; Deb offered to connect him with Curtis Truitt who managed the rose garden near Porter and W Grand Blvd.

Amy will find out if we can define an area of less than 2 sq miles.

_Assigned to amador.amy@gmail.com_

Deb will share responses from others in SW Detroit who had concerns regarding the environmental impact of painting roads

_Assigned to debswd@gmail.com_


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